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  1. Sadly claimed for Wincest
    Sadly claimed for Wincest
    28 April 2020 02:13
    Sadly claimed for wincest.
  2. DigitalArt56
    28 April 2020 12:05
    ADICKAFERNO thats my spell
    1. Albedo V2.0
      Albedo V2.0
      28 April 2020 14:34
      Hey that's torturers skill!
  3. Hive Mind
    Hive Mind
    28 April 2020 15:42
    *the sector was invaded by the hive fleet jormungar*
    1. Hive Mind
      Hive Mind
      28 April 2020 15:50
      *they started dumping capsules with hormagaunts, termagaunts, genestealers, lictors, zoanthropes*
      1. Hive Mind
        Hive Mind
        28 April 2020 16:00
        *when they landed the tyranid battle forms began to destroy all life and were not tyranids*
        1. Hive Mind
          Hive Mind
          29 April 2020 05:29
          *having finished off all the inhabitants of the sector, the tyranids began to pull together to the capillary towers,the rippers brought by the drones ships began to eat corpses and useful substances*
          1. Hive Mind
            Hive Mind
            29 April 2020 05:47
            *all the tyranids and all the available deities have been digested,the collection ships have invaded the lower atmosphere to further absorb everything,all the biomass has been collected*
            1. Hive Mind
              Hive Mind
              29 April 2020 06:29
              *the gatherer ships leaving the naked asteroid for a planet joined the hive fleet and left the sector with it*
  4. DigitalArt56
    13 June 2020 07:56
    how do you fucking do that? How u make words color
  5. Kira Yoshikage
    Kira Yoshikage
    8 August 2022 01:45

    I personally dislike this with a passion.

    First off, Last few panels are just "Oh, so ___" like what the fuck? is this a children's book?

    Second off, I personally despise tentacles. I don't see why people have a tentacle fetish. 

    Lastly, Incest is bad.
