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You know I love this site a lot right but I have some problems with this site
•Name change (XcartX)
•Why can't me add new tags ?
•Most of the guests are prolly annoying little kids
•Most guests in general
•Stupid trends (claiming bullshit)
•Unresponsive uploading
•Undeletable posts (seriously how do I delete my posts ?)

This list was typed by Gooshooter

Added byGooshooter
6 img
167 259
29 Jun 2021
84% (97/18)
(Votes: 115)
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  1. C
    Confused guest
    29 June 2021 15:42

    Bruh it's a porn site , what did you expect? 

    Although i too got annoyed at the address changing, it didn't bother me much.

    I still like this site regardless of the community and the trends (that i kinda like) but 

    But on the unresponsive uploading part i got to agree with you it's really a pain :/

    1. Zach sins
      Zach sins
      29 June 2021 16:00

      I mean the community is kinda cringy but about the upload part i gotta agree it's kinda inconsistent 

      1. Sugar Plum 2.0
        Sugar Plum 2.0
        29 June 2021 17:50

        The community is not kinda cringy it IS cringy. There are four types of people on this site. Guest who think claiming does anything other than making them look stupid and guest who wanna be red pilled and based by saying the oh so dreaded N-word but come off as a five year old on Xbox live who just learned what the word means. And of course the role-players. There are also normal guest of course who are massive homies and select people with accounts but their souls were already forfeit the second the clicked on this dreaded site. ? Things seem to be getting more tame lately tho.

  2. the guest wich is no guest
    the guest wich is no guest
    29 June 2021 16:53

    im not long enough here to say something about it i started reading just a year ago

  3. Jimmy williams
    Jimmy williams
    29 June 2021 16:56

    Although its alright i respect gravity falls to much for this. I'm Jimmy Williams and i approve this message

  4. Why just why
    Why just why
    29 June 2021 17:01

    Just type the tag you want and it will be a tag.

    I accidentally made a tag called "q"?

    1. Gooshooter
      29 June 2021 18:25


      They made that a tag but they removed the femboy tag. .

  5. loli_collector69
    29 June 2021 21:01

    hey dont look at me

  6. G
    Guest Zen
    29 June 2021 22:23

    I am a guest but not a annoying kid

  7. S
    Sad Cigs
    30 June 2021 00:27

    Why didn't anyone invite me?

    1. Gooshooter
      30 June 2021 01:04

      Anti-Smoking sign

  8. TwistedFate
    30 June 2021 04:36

    İt was much worse back than well not the bots at least. They didn't know this site existed. But no we become far and there is no need to revert the changes. Name change was necessary beacuse site got blocked and they needed to change the name

  9. Juice Tank
    Juice Tank
    1 July 2021 01:47

    Part of this community is cringe, but one small part is wholesome <3

    Bots advertising sites in comments is the worst, tho. 

    (Probably not the worst, I just haven't uploaded anything yet, so no complaints on my part, yet.)

  10. DigitalArt56
    1 July 2021 04:01

    Yeah we have lots of changes to this site but ay we lasted this long. and all these weird guest and others make this site way more cooler than the others B)

  11. S
    1 July 2021 10:14

    I agree with sugar plum
